Tomorrow night (Wednesday) in Silicon Valley, the Bay Area F# Meetup has an event What we do with F#: Show and Tell:
Let's see how everyone else is using F#! This evening will be organized as a series of short talks (10 mins and 20 mins), focused on practical, real-life applications of F#.
Current Speakers
Darren Platt, 3D Genome Viewer
Dmitry Morozov, SQL Command Type Provider
Mathias Brandewinder, Charon: a Random Forest in F#
Nick Sardo, Flight Simulator
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
6:00 PMto8:30 PM
[Note: All visitors must pass through a security gate to reach the campus. A valid driver's license, state ID, or federal ID is required. When presenting your ID, let them know you are going to Carnegie Mellon.]
Image may be NSFW.
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