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Visual Studio Cloud Load Testing & Error codes



Building a Service/App for the right customer is something everyone tries to do. However, at times there are certain aspects of it doesn’t work well for customers, in spite of our best efforts. Sometimes we end up making it too complex or sometimes too simple.  And either can be wrong depending on who your customer is.


Error messages in Cloud Load Testing is one such aspect and is the subject of this post. What we have today for the Cloud Load Testing service is error messages without associated error codes. It’s not a flawed approach and does work well for certain types of apps. It might have worked for us if our customers were largely the regular PC users and not developers/testers/consultants. Our customers love to talk to us, give feedback on the Service and report issues/bug, which are all great. Given this tendency, our short-sightedness was in deciding to not have error codes for the various error messages in the Service which resulted in cumbersome conversations when they did want to tell/ask us something.


For one, when customers report issues, they attach snapshots of the error in question or type out the whole error message, as there is no easy way to convey the observed error back to us. Secondly, for issues where multiple steps were required for a resolution, it became unwieldy to provide all the steps in the error message itself. And this meant that in the absence of error codes, there was no good way to document the additional details and tie it back to the error without listing out the complete error message. This was an unnecessary inconvenience for both our customers and us. It had to change.


Of course the solution is straightforward. Associating error codes with the error messages is all that is needed. And this makes it much easier to have conversation with customers on the issues they face and also to talk about specific errors either to provide detailed resolution steps or to detail out the error itself.


The complete list of error messages and their codes are listed here. For the most part, the messages themselves are self-explanatory and so the codes are only pivotal to have a good conversation with us. However, there are a few messages that customers seem to look up the most and we have added these directly to our Product FAQ. Putting out the complete list of error messages in the FAQ is unwieldy and not of a whole bit of use for most customers, which is why the whole list is added here.


We hope the conversations with customers become much easier with this.


Error Code

Error Message


Test run has been aborted and marked as 'Error' as the run execution exceeded the timeout of '{0}'.


The sample rate specified for this load test has been modified to {0} sec from {1} sec. Load test with run duration greater than {2} does not support a sample rate of less than {0} sec.


Test run could not be started and has been marked as 'Aborted' due to an error in locating the test file.


Test run has been aborted and marked as 'Error' due to a failure while updating test run outcome.


Test run has been aborted and marked as 'Error' due to a failure while collecting results.


Test run could not be started and has been marked as 'Error' due to an error while provisioning the results store.


Test run could not be started and has been marked as 'Error' due to an error while provisioning test agents for the run.


Test run could not be started and has been marked as 'Error'.


Test run could not be started and has been marked as 'Aborted' due to failure in the setup script.


Test run has been aborted and marked as 'Error' due to an error while provisioning test agents for the run.


Internal exception while storing the load test result. To view the test result you will have to download the test result to the local database. Kindly contact customer support with Run ID for further assistance.


Counter collection failed due to an internal error and will be disabled for this run. Details:


The test run has been failed and marked as 'Error' due to infrastructure error. Try running the test again. If the problem persists, contact Visual Studio Online support and provide your test run id.


The agent 'n' is recovering from a failure caused due to infrastructure issues.


The agent 'n' has failed during test execution. This agent will not participate further in the test run. Review the value for Agent Count (Total Cores) property in run settings and increase this number if needed.


Unable to get data for metrics {0} from Application Insights. Kindly check if these metric(s) is/are configured for the Application.


Application {0} is not configured with Application Insights for your Visual Studio Online account: "Fabrikam"


Unable to get application data from Application Insights and application counters will not be collected during this load run. Recheck the configuration at Application Insights. If you continue to see this issue kindly report it at Visual Studio Online Support (http://www.visualstudio.com/support).


Unable to get application data from Application Insights. Recheck the configuration at Application Insights ({0}). If you continue to see this issue repeatedly, kindly report it at Visual Studio Online Support (http://www.visualstudio.com/support).


The load test contains multiple tests with the same name. These tests are: {0} and {1}. Rename the tests and update the test mix of the respective Scenarios to avoid duplication in the names and run the load test again.


The load test has maximum user load count as zero. Increase the user load and try the load test run again.


A load test cannot be executed with less that {0} virtual-users/core for one run. Reduce the agent count or increase the virtual users in your load test and run the test again.


The load test will be executed with {0} virtual-users/core which is higher than recommended value of {1} virtual-users/core. Increase the agent count or reduce the virtual-users in your load test if the test does not behaves as per expectation.


This run execution is requested on unsupported Processor Architecture {0}. Please run this test with one of the supported Processor Architecture 'X86', 'MSIL', 'None'


Application counter collection is disabled for this load test.


Maximum of {0} Application Counters can be monitored from Application Insights for a load run. Application under Test counters will not be collected for this run.


Maximum of {0} Applications can be monitored from Application Insights for a load run. Application under Test counters will not be collected for this run.


Unable to access the load test file {0} for the test run. Error : {1}.


A load test executing on the service should have the test run name as the load test file name with extension. The specified test run name {0} does not meet this requirement.


No active run settings were found in the load test. Make sure the load test has an active run settings and run the test again.


The load test cannot be run since the maximum length supported for run settings name is 32 characters. Please update the name for run settings '{0}' and run the test again.


The value for 'Run Duration' is not valid. Update the run duration field in your run settings to have a value between 0 and the maximum duration {0} hours and try again.


Load tests run using Visual Studio Online do not support 'Results Store' property. Results Store has been specified as '{0}' in the run settings '{1}' and will be ignored.


Load tests run using Visual Studio Online do not support 'SQL Tracing' option. This has been specified in run settings '{0}' and will be ignored.


A load test can have a maximum agent count (total cores) of {0} for one run. Reduce the agent count in your load test and run the test again.


Load tests run using Visual Studio Online do not support test iterations. Change the property 'Use Test Iterations' to False in run settings '{0}', specify duration for the test run, and run the test again.


Load tests run using Visual Studio Online do not support '{0}' specified in 'Timing Details Storage' property. This property has been specified in the run settings '{1}' and will be ignored as 'All Individual Details' will be collected for the run.


The sample rate specified for this load test is {0} seconds. The minimum supported sample rate is {1} seconds for runs longer than {2}. Update the value of sample rate in Run Settings and try again.


The sample rate of {0} seconds specified for this load test is less than the minimum recommended sample rate of {1} seconds.


The value of 'Maximum Errors per Type' is updated to 10,000, the maximum value supported for load tests run using Visual Studio Online.


The value of 'Maximum Request URLs Reported' is updated to 10,000, the maximum value supported for load tests run using Visual Studio Online.


The value of 'Maximum Threshold Violations' is updated to 10,000, the maximum value supported for load tests run using Visual Studio Online.


The value of 'Maximum Test Logs' is updated to 1000, the maximum value supported for load tests run using Visual Studio Online.


Load tests run using Visual Studio Online do not support collecting performance counters from non-agent machines. Counters will not be collected for machine '{0}' specified in run settings.


A load test executing on the service cannot have the total warm-up and cool-down duration longer than the test run duration. Reduce the warm-up and cool-down duration to be lower than the run duration and run the test again.


Load tests run using Visual Studio Online do not currently support Goal Based Pattern. This has been specified in scenario '{0}'. Update the Load Pattern to some other value and try again.


Load tests run using Visual Studio Online do not support 'Maximum Test Iterations' property. Update the value for this property to '0' for scenario '{0}' and run the test again.


Load tests run using Visual Studio Online currently only support 'LAN' Network type in the network mix. Network Type '{0}' has been specified in the network mix for scenario '{1}' and this will be ignored.


Load tests run using Visual Studio Online do not support 'Agents to use' property. This property has been defined for scenario '{0}' and will be ignored. Select 'Agent Count (Total Cores)' property in the run settings instead, if you want to choose the number of agents for the test run.


Load tests run using Visual Studio Online do not support 'IP Switching' property. This property has been specified in scenario '{0}' and will be ignored.


The load test cannot be run since the maximum length supported for scenario name is 64 characters. Please update the name for scenario '{0}' and run the test again.


The test mix for scenario ‘{0}’ contains the following test that cannot be found: ‘{1}’. Update the test mix of the scenario to remove test that do not exist and add any renamed test. Then rerun your load test. Note: Do not edit the load test xml file directly. This is not supported when you run your load test with Visual Studio Online.


The load test cannot be run since the maximum length supported for test case name is 64 characters. Please update name for test case '{0}'and run the test again.


‘{0}’ test in the test mix of ‘{1}’ is of unsupported test type. While running your test with Visual Studio Online, only Web Performance test, Coded Web test and Unit tests are supported as part of the test mix. Kindly remove the unsupported test and try again.


A load test executing on the service cannot have sum of all the tests in scenario to be zero or negative. Check the test mix property for scenario '{0}' in the load test and run the test again.


A load test executing on the service cannot have scenarios with zero tests. Check the test mix property for scenario '{0}' in the load test and run the test again.


'Unique' data access for a data source is not supported with load testing with Visual Studio Online. Kindly change this property to another appropriate value ( e.g. Random or Sequential) for the Data Source '{0}' in the test '{1}'


Test run has been aborted and marked as 'Error' as all assigned test agents became unresponsive while the test was running.


Test run has been aborted because all the test agents failed during the test execution.


An internal error occurred in the service while initializing the test run. Try running the test again. If the problem persists, contact Visual Studio Online support and provide your test run id.


No active test settings were found in the load test. Make sure the load test has an active test settings and run the test again.


Try running the test again after few minutes. If the problem persists, contact Visual Studio Online support and provide your test run id.


Virtual user minutes too high. Cannot be greater than ‘{0}’


Internal locking error in usage verification.


The account {0} already has {1} load test/s running on the service. Wait for a run to finish or stop a run before starting this load test.


The current run requires {0} virtual user minutes and this exceeds your free monthly limit for cloud-based load testing. To run more load tests this month, buy more load testing capacity. Learn more at: {1}


The current run requires {0} virtual user minutes and this exceeds the maximum monthly limit for cloud-based load testing based on the billing you set up. Contact Microsoft Support to change this usage limit. Learn more at: {1}


You have reached the maximum monthly limit for cloud-based load testing based on the billing you set up. Contact Microsoft Support to change this usage limit. Learn more at: {0}


You have reached your free monthly limit for cloud-based load testing. To run more load tests this month, buy more load testing capacity. Learn more at: {0}


You have reached your free monthly limit for cloud-based load testing. Your Visual Studio Online account is set up for billing with a Windows Azure subscription, but extra load testing capacity is disabled. Learn more at: {0}


Your Visual Studio Online account is set up for extra load testing capacity above the free monthly limit. However, the Windows Azure subscription used to bill your account has been disabled. Learn more at: {0}


Metering is disabled


This run uses {0} virtual-user minutes, which exceeds the maximum allowed usage for this month. The current usage for your account for this month (including runs in progress) is {1} and the maximum allowed usage is {2}.


This account has exceeded  the maximum allowed usage for load testing for this month. Your current usage for the month (including runs in progress) is {0} and the maximum allowed usage is {1}.


Your account is not enabled to run load tests using Visual Studio Online.


Loadtest could not be initiated as the load test file could not be found. Ensure that a valid load test file exists at the project location and try the operation again. If the problem persists, contact Visual Studio Online support.


Failed to load the test run for execution. If the load test contains Coded UI tests, remove the Coded UI tests from the load test and run the test again.


Service failed due to test error while initiating the test execution.


Load test run failed due to an internal error while initiating the test. Try running the test again. If the problem persists, contact Visual Studio Online support and provide the test run id.


Setup script failed on execution agent {0}. This agent will not take further part in the test run.


Test run execution failed.


Test run execution aborted.


Load test run failed due to an error in the execution agent process.


Test run failed and was marked "Aborted" due to an error while parsing the .loadtest xml file. ‘{0}’. Manually editing the load test file is not recommended.


Test run could not be started and has been marked as 'Error' due to an error while preparing test drops for the run.


Storage type specified for the drop type is not supported. Use TestServiceBlobDrop as the drop type and try again.


The load test cannot be run since the load test run settings name is empty or null. Please update the name for run settings and run the test again.


Load tests run using Visual Studio Online do not support '{0}' specified in 'Timing Details Storage' property for runs with core count more than {1}.  Please update 'Timing Details Storage' property to '{2}' and run the test again.



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