We are happy to announce that the ODataLib 6.9.0 is released. Detailed release notes are listed below.
New Features:
[GitHub issue #7, #24, #25]
- ODataUriParser now can parse the complex value, entity, entity reference and a collection of them as function parameter alias.
- OData Client for .NET now supports function taking complex values, entity, entity reference and collection of them as parameter.
[GitHub issue #33] ODataLib now supports custom payload format, including:
- Support resolving custom media types for request and response messages
- Support reading and writing following kinds of payload in custom payload format:
- Feed
- Entry
- Property
- Collection
- Parameter
- Error
[GitHub issue #12] OData Client for .NET supports using DELETE http method in DataServiceContext.Execute method.
Bug Fixes:
[GitHub issue #2] Fix a bug that model validation fails when complex type is marked as abstract in Edm model.
[GitHub issue #15] Fix a bug that ODataQueryOptionParser doesn't work on case insensitive query option if OData Uri resolver enables case insensitive
[GitHub issue #20] Fix a bug that client does not annotate the derived complex value in a collection with odata.type annotation.
Call to Action:
You and your team are highly welcomed to try out this new version if you are interested in the new features and fixes above. For any feature request, issue or idea please feel free to reach out to us at odatafeedback@microsoft.com.