Earlier this month we announced the general availability of Azure Media Services in the Azure Government cloud. We are especially excited about this addition, as the unique capabilities of Azure Media Services for building end-to-end media workflows are perfectly suited to meet the needs of government customers in a growing array of use cases.

Here are some of the top use cases for Media in Azure Government:
- Surveillance– Local traffic cameras and security cameras capture thousands of hours of footage, and the number of capture devices in use is growing daily. Azure Media Services offers powerful encoding, secure content protection, and integrated content delivery options to process and store large VOD libraries or stream content live. Additionally, our Media Intelligence offerings can increase accessibility and discoverability of surveillance content with audio-to-text capabilities which allows for closed captioning and full text searching across entire video catalogs.
- Enterprise Portals– When leveraged in coordination with our third party ecosystem partners, Azure Media Services enables a powerful enterprise portal experience. HR training videos, corporate events, CEO Q&A, employee town halls, and internal product demos are all examples of behind-the-firewall media scenarios which are prime for secure cloud delivery. Azure Media Services provides an end-to-end platform with all of the tools you need to distribute and manage internal corporate communications.
- Distribution of public service information: A lot of the government customers we speak to are interested in the reliable and consistent dissemination of important information. Azure Media Services can enable live streaming of press conferences, local town hall meetings, or PSAs related to local events or campaigns.
What features of Azure Media Services are most applicable to Azure Government scenarios?
- Government compliant cloud infrastructure running a dedicated part of the Azure Cloud
- Premium VOD Encoding with a workflow designer and competitive pricing
- End-to-end live streaming in the cloud, including live transcoding and adaptive bitrate streaming
- Industry-Leading Content Protection with 1st and 3rd party DRM options
- Advanced Media Indexing audio to text to increase accessibility of your content
- Seamless CDN integration with premium CDN features and global reach
- Cloud DVR with ad markers, asset filters, and sub-clipping for highlight reels
- Dynamic Client Player to reach all browsers and devices
For more information on Azure Media Services visit www.azure.com/media