We’ve released a set of enhancements to improve your experience and efficiency working with DocumentDB queries, documents, and server-side programming in the Azure preview portal, including:
- Query Explorer Improvements
- Document Explorer Improvements
- An all new Script Explorer
Keep reading for additional details on these new and updated features.
Query Explorer Improvements
You can now author or paste multiple queries in Query Explorer, and then execute the query you’d like to run by highlighting it and clicking “Run query”. Note that you can only execute a single query at a time.
We’ve also expanded our syntax highlighting to include support for DocumentDB built-in functions such as ARRAY_CONTAINS, CEILING, and IS_BOOL. You can read more about built-in DocumentDB functions here.
Finally, we’ve added the ability to load the contents of a file to Query Explorer, so now you can easily load a set of saved queries.
Document Explorer Improvements
Using Document Explorer, you can now specify the number of results you want returned (up to a maximum of 1,000) and provide a custom query to use when loading documents. Click the Settings command, modify the “Items per page” setting and/or the filter clause, click “Save”, and then click the Document Explorer “Refresh” command.
Script Explorer
DocumentDB’s language integrated, transactional execution of JavaScript lets developers write stored procedures, triggers and user defined functions (UDFs) natively in JavaScript. This allows you to write application logic that can be shipped and executed directly on the database storage partitions. We’re excited to announce that you can now view your DocumentDB stored procedures, triggers, and functions in the Azure preview portal with our new Script Explorer functionality, which gives you a read-only view of the DocumentDB scripts within a particular collection. Of course, we’re working on enhancing Script Explorer so that you can create, edit, delete, and even execute these scripts. Read more about DocumentDB server-side programming here.
As always, we’d love to hear from you about the DocumentDB features and experiences you would find most valuable within the Azure portal. Please submit your suggestions on the Microsoft Azure DocumentDB feedback forum. If you haven’t tried DocumentDB yet, then get started here.