Today, we released a new Windows 10 Anniversary SDK Preview to be used in conjunction with Windows 10 Insider Preview (Build 14332 or greater). The Preview SDK is a pre-release and cannot be used in a production environment. Please only install the SDK on your test machine. The Preview SDK Build 14332 contains bug fixes and under development changes to the API surface area. If you are working on an application that you need to submit to the store, you should not install the preview.
The Preview SDK can be downloaded from developer section on Windows Insider.
For feedback and updates to the known issues, please see the developer forum. For new feature requests, head over to our Windows Platform UserVoice.
Known issues
- Desktop App Converter
- The Desktop App Converter Preview (Project Centennial) will fail to run on the Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 14332. If you are a developer utilizing the converter tool to convert your desktop app to UWP, we suggest skipping Build 14332 until we can fix this issue.
- Emulator
- Known issue that currently blocks our users from injecting fake location data to their UWP applications running in the emulator
What’s New
This Windows SDK includes the following updates and additions to the Windows namespace since Preview SDK Build 14295. We sadly didn’t do a changelog for 14267 to 14295.
namespace Windows.ApplicationModel { public sealed class EnteredBackgroundEventArgs : IEnteredBackgroundEventArgs public interface IEnteredBackgroundEventArgs public interface ILeavingBackgroundEventArgs public sealed class LeavingBackgroundEventArgs : ILeavingBackgroundEventArgs public sealed class Package { IAsyncOperationVerifyContentIntegrityAsync(); } public sealed class PackageCatalog public sealed class PackageInstallingEventArgs public sealed class PackageStagingEventArgs public sealed class PackageStatusChangedEventArgs public sealed class PackageUninstallingEventArgs public sealed class PackageUpdatingEventArgs } namespace Windows.ApplicationModel.Activation { public enum ActivationKind { FilePickerExperience = 1015, UserDataAccountsProvider = 1014, } public sealed class AppointmentsProviderAddAppointmentActivatedEventArgs : IActivatedEventArgs, IActivatedEventArgsWithUser, IAppointmentsProviderActivatedEventArgs, IAppointmentsProviderAddAppointmentActivatedEventArgs { User User { get; } } public sealed class AppointmentsProviderRemoveAppointmentActivatedEventArgs : IActivatedEventArgs, IActivatedEventArgsWithUser, IAppointmentsProviderActivatedEventArgs, IAppointmentsProviderRemoveAppointmentActivatedEventArgs { User User { get; } } public sealed class AppointmentsProviderReplaceAppointmentActivatedEventArgs : IActivatedEventArgs, IActivatedEventArgsWithUser, IAppointmentsProviderActivatedEventArgs, IAppointmentsProviderReplaceAppointmentActivatedEventArgs { User User { get; } } public sealed class AppointmentsProviderShowAppointmentDetailsActivatedEventArgs : IActivatedEventArgs, IActivatedEventArgsWithUser, IAppointmentsProviderActivatedEventArgs, IAppointmentsProviderShowAppointmentDetailsActivatedEventArgs { User User { get; } } public sealed class AppointmentsProviderShowTimeFrameActivatedEventArgs : IActivatedEventArgs, IActivatedEventArgsWithUser, IAppointmentsProviderActivatedEventArgs, IAppointmentsProviderShowTimeFrameActivatedEventArgs { User User { get; } } public sealed class BackgroundActivatedEventArgs : IBackgroundActivatedEventArgs public sealed class CachedFileUpdaterActivatedEventArgs : IActivatedEventArgs, IActivatedEventArgsWithUser, ICachedFileUpdaterActivatedEventArgs { User User { get; } } public sealed class DeviceActivatedEventArgs : IActivatedEventArgs, IActivatedEventArgsWithUser, IApplicationViewActivatedEventArgs, IDeviceActivatedEventArgs, IViewSwitcherProvider { User User { get; } } public sealed class DevicePairingActivatedEventArgs : IActivatedEventArgs, IActivatedEventArgsWithUser, IDevicePairingActivatedEventArgs { User User { get; } } public sealed class DialReceiverActivatedEventArgs : IActivatedEventArgs, IActivatedEventArgsWithUser, IApplicationViewActivatedEventArgs, IDialReceiverActivatedEventArgs, ILaunchActivatedEventArgs, IViewSwitcherProvider { User User { get; } } public sealed class FileActivatedEventArgs : IActivatedEventArgs, IActivatedEventArgsWithUser, IApplicationViewActivatedEventArgs, IFileActivatedEventArgs, IFileActivatedEventArgsWithCallerPackageFamilyName, IFileActivatedEventArgsWithNeighboringFiles, IViewSwitcherProvider { User User { get; } } public sealed class FileOpenPickerActivatedEventArgs : IActivatedEventArgs, IActivatedEventArgsWithUser, IFileOpenPickerActivatedEventArgs, IFileOpenPickerActivatedEventArgs2 { User User { get; } } public sealed class FileOpenPickerContinuationEventArgs : IActivatedEventArgs, IActivatedEventArgsWithUser, IContinuationActivatedEventArgs, IFileOpenPickerContinuationEventArgs { User User { get; } } public sealed class FileSavePickerActivatedEventArgs : IActivatedEventArgs, IActivatedEventArgsWithUser, IFileSavePickerActivatedEventArgs, IFileSavePickerActivatedEventArgs2 { User User { get; } } public sealed class FileSavePickerContinuationEventArgs : IActivatedEventArgs, IActivatedEventArgsWithUser, IContinuationActivatedEventArgs, IFileSavePickerContinuationEventArgs { User User { get; } } public sealed class FolderPickerContinuationEventArgs : IActivatedEventArgs, IActivatedEventArgsWithUser, IContinuationActivatedEventArgs, IFolderPickerContinuationEventArgs { User User { get; } } public interface IActivatedEventArgsWithUser : IActivatedEventArgs public interface IBackgroundActivatedEventArgs public interface ILaunchActivatedEventArgs2 : IActivatedEventArgs, ILaunchActivatedEventArgs public interface IUserDataAccountProviderActivatedEventArgs : IActivatedEventArgs public sealed class LaunchActivatedEventArgs : IActivatedEventArgs, IActivatedEventArgsWithUser, IApplicationViewActivatedEventArgs, ILaunchActivatedEventArgs, ILaunchActivatedEventArgs2, IPrelaunchActivatedEventArgs, IViewSwitcherProvider { TileActivatedInfo TileActivatedInfo { get; } User User { get; } } public sealed class LockScreenActivatedEventArgs : IActivatedEventArgs, IActivatedEventArgsWithUser, ILockScreenActivatedEventArgs { User User { get; } } public sealed class ProtocolActivatedEventArgs : IActivatedEventArgs, IActivatedEventArgsWithUser, IApplicationViewActivatedEventArgs, IProtocolActivatedEventArgs, IProtocolActivatedEventArgsWithCallerPackageFamilyNameAndData, IViewSwitcherProvider { User User { get; } } public sealed class ProtocolForResultsActivatedEventArgs : IActivatedEventArgs, IActivatedEventArgsWithUser, IApplicationViewActivatedEventArgs, IProtocolActivatedEventArgs, IProtocolActivatedEventArgsWithCallerPackageFamilyNameAndData, IProtocolForResultsActivatedEventArgs, IViewSwitcherProvider { User User { get; } } public sealed class RestrictedLaunchActivatedEventArgs : IActivatedEventArgs, IActivatedEventArgsWithUser, IRestrictedLaunchActivatedEventArgs { User User { get; } } public sealed class SearchActivatedEventArgs : IActivatedEventArgs, IActivatedEventArgsWithUser, IApplicationViewActivatedEventArgs, ISearchActivatedEventArgs, ISearchActivatedEventArgsWithLinguisticDetails, IViewSwitcherProvider { User User { get; } } public sealed class ShareTargetActivatedEventArgs : IActivatedEventArgs, IActivatedEventArgsWithUser, IShareTargetActivatedEventArgs { User User { get; } } public sealed class TileActivatedInfo public sealed class ToastNotificationActivatedEventArgs : IActivatedEventArgs, IActivatedEventArgsWithUser, IToastNotificationActivatedEventArgs { User User { get; } } public sealed class UserDataAccountProviderActivatedEventArgs : IActivatedEventArgs, IUserDataAccountProviderActivatedEventArgs public sealed class VoiceCommandActivatedEventArgs : IActivatedEventArgs, IActivatedEventArgsWithUser, IVoiceCommandActivatedEventArgs { User User { get; } } public sealed class WebAccountProviderActivatedEventArgs : IActivatedEventArgs, IActivatedEventArgsWithUser, IWebAccountProviderActivatedEventArgs { User User { get; } } } namespace Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments { public enum AppointmentCalendarOtherAppReadAccess { None = 3, } public static class AppointmentManager { public static AppointmentManagerForUser GetForUser(User user); } public sealed class AppointmentManagerForUser } namespace Windows.ApplicationModel.AppService { public sealed class AppServiceConnection : IClosable { User User { get; set; } IAsyncOperation OpenRemoteAsync(RemoteSystemConnectionRequest remoteSystemConnectionRequest); } public enum AppServiceConnectionStatus { NotAuthorized = 7, RemoteSystemNotSupportedByApp = 6, RemoteSystemUnavailable = 5, } public enum AppServiceResponseStatus { MessageSizeTooLarge = 5, RemoteSystemUnavailable = 4, } public sealed class AppServiceTriggerDetails { bool IsRemoteSystemConnection { get; } } } namespace Windows.ApplicationModel.Background { public enum BackgroundAccessStatus { AllowedSubjectToSystemPolicy = 5, AlwaysAllowed = 4, DeniedBySystemPolicy = 6, DeniedByUser = 7, } public interface IBackgroundTaskInstance4 : IBackgroundTaskInstance public sealed class SecondaryAuthenticationFactorAuthenticationTrigger : IBackgroundTrigger public sealed class SocketActivityTrigger : IBackgroundTrigger { bool IsWakeFromLowPowerSupported { get; } } public enum SystemTriggerType { DefaultSignInAccountChange = 15, } public sealed class UserNotificationChangedTrigger : IBackgroundTrigger } namespace Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls { public static class PhoneCallHistoryManager { public static PhoneCallHistoryManagerForUser GetForUser(User user); } public sealed class PhoneCallHistoryManagerForUser } namespace Windows.ApplicationModel.Chat { public sealed class ChatConversation : IChatItem { ChatItemKind ItemKind { get; } } public sealed class ChatMessage : IChatItem { ChatItemKind ItemKind { get; } } } namespace Windows.ApplicationModel.Core { public static class CoreApplication { public static event EventHandler BackgroundActivated; public static event EventHandler EnteredBackground; public static event EventHandler LeavingBackground; } } namespace Windows.ApplicationModel.DataTransfer { public sealed class DataTransferManager { public static bool IsSupported(); } } namespace Windows.ApplicationModel.Email { public enum EmailMailboxOtherAppReadAccess { None = 2, } public static class EmailManager { public static EmailManagerForUser GetForUser(User user); } public sealed class EmailManagerForUser } namespace Windows.ApplicationModel.Store.LicenseManagement { public static class LicenseManager { public static IAsyncOperation GetSatisfactionInfosAsync(IIterable contentIds, IIterable keyIds); } public sealed class LicenseSatisfactionInfo public sealed class LicenseSatisfactionResult } namespace Windows.ApplicationModel.Store.Preview { public static class StoreConfiguration { public static IReference GetPurchasePromptingPolicyForUser(User user); public static IAsyncOperation GetStoreLogDataAsync(StoreLogOptions options); public static bool HasStoreWebAccount(); public static bool HasStoreWebAccountForUser(User user); public static bool IsStoreWebAccountIdForUser(User user, string webAccountId); public static void SetPurchasePromptingPolicyForUser(User user, IReference value); public static void SetStoreWebAccountIdForUser(User user, string webAccountId); } public enum StoreLogOptions : uint public enum StoreSystemFeature { Memory12GB = 27, Memory16GB = 28, Memory20GB = 29, Memory4GB = 24, Memory6GB = 25, Memory8GB = 26, VideoMemory2GB = 30, VideoMemory4GB = 31, VideoMemory6GB = 32, } } namespace Windows.ApplicationModel.Store.Preview.InstallControl { public sealed class AppInstallManager { IAsyncOperation GetIsAppAllowedToInstallForUserAsync(User user, string productId, string skuId, string catalogId, string correlationVector); IAsyncOperation GetIsApplicableForUserAsync(User user, string productId, string skuId); IAsyncOperation > SearchForAllUpdatesForUserAsync(User user, string correlationVector); IAsyncOperation SearchForUpdatesForUserAsync(User user, string productId, string skuId, string catalogId, string correlationVector); IAsyncOperation > StartProductInstallAsync(string productId, string catalogId, string flightId, string clientId, bool repair, bool forceUseOfNonRemovableStorage, string correlationVector, PackageVolume targetVolume); IAsyncOperation > StartProductInstallForUserAsync(User user, string productId, string catalogId, string flightId, string clientId, bool repair, bool forceUseOfNonRemovableStorage, string correlationVector, PackageVolume targetVolume); IAsyncOperation UpdateAppByPackageFamilyNameForUserAsync(User user, string packageFamilyName, string correlationVector); } public sealed class AppInstallStatus { bool ReadyForLaunch { get; } User User { get; } } } namespace Windows.ApplicationModel.UserDataAccounts { public sealed class UserDataAccount { string DisplayName { get; set; } IVector ExplictReadAccessPackageFamilyNames { get; } } public static class UserDataAccountManager { public static UserDataAccountManagerForUser GetForUser(User user); } public sealed class UserDataAccountManagerForUser public enum UserDataAccountOtherAppReadAccess { None = 2, } } namespace Windows.ApplicationModel.UserDataAccounts.Provider { public interface IUserDataAccountProviderOperation public sealed class UserDataAccountPartnerAccountInfo public sealed class UserDataAccountProviderAddAccountOperation : IUserDataAccountProviderOperation public enum UserDataAccountProviderOperationKind public enum UserDataAccountProviderPartnerAccountKind public sealed class UserDataAccountProviderResolveErrorsOperation : IUserDataAccountProviderOperation public sealed class UserDataAccountProviderSettingsOperation : IUserDataAccountProviderOperation } namespace Windows.ApplicationModel.UserDataAccounts.SystemAccess { public sealed class DeviceAccountConfiguration { bool IsSyncScheduleManagedBySystem { get; set; } } public static class UserDataAccountSystemAccessManager { public static IAsyncAction SuppressLocalAccountWithAccountAsync(string userDataAccountId); } } namespace Windows.Data.Text { public sealed class TextPhoneme public sealed class TextReverseConversionGenerator { IAsyncOperation > GetPhonemesAsync(string input); } } namespace Windows.Devices.AllJoyn { public enum AllJoynAuthenticationMechanism { EcdheSpeke = 6, } public sealed class AllJoynBusAttachment { event TypedEventHandler AcceptSessionJoinerRequested; event TypedEventHandler SessionJoined; IAsyncOperation GetAboutDataAsync(AllJoynServiceInfo serviceInfo); IAsyncOperation GetAboutDataAsync(AllJoynServiceInfo serviceInfo, Language language); public static AllJoynBusAttachment GetDefault(); public static DeviceWatcher GetWatcher(IIterable requiredInterfaces); } public sealed class AllJoynBusObject public sealed class AllJoynBusObjectStoppedEventArgs public sealed class AllJoynServiceInfo { public static IAsyncOperation FromIdAsync(string deviceId); } public sealed class AllJoynSession public sealed class AllJoynSessionJoinedEventArgs public interface IAllJoynProducer } namespace Windows.Devices.Enumeration { public sealed class EnclosureLocation { uint RotationAngleInDegreesClockwise { get; } } } namespace Windows.Devices.Geolocation { public sealed class Geolocator { void AllowFallbackToConsentlessPositions(); } public enum PositionSource { Obfuscated = 6, } } namespace Windows.Devices.HumanInterfaceDevice { public sealed class HidBooleanControlDescription { bool IsAbsolute { get; } } } namespace Windows.Devices.Midi { public enum MidiMessageType { EndSystemExclusive = 247, } } namespace Windows.Devices.PointOfService { public sealed class BarcodeScanner { string VideoDeviceId { get; } } } namespace Windows.Devices.Sensors { public sealed class Accelerometer { AccelerometerReadingType ReadingType { get; } public static Accelerometer GetDefault(AccelerometerReadingType readingType); } public enum AccelerometerReadingType public sealed class Inclinometer { public static Inclinometer GetDefault(SensorReadingType sensorReadingtype); } public sealed class OrientationSensor { public static OrientationSensor GetDefault(SensorReadingType sensorReadingtype); public static OrientationSensor GetDefault(SensorReadingType sensorReadingType, SensorOptimizationGoal optimizationGoal); } public enum SensorOptimizationGoal } namespace Windows.Devices.SmartCards { public enum SmartCardReaderKind { EmbeddedSE = 5, } } namespace Windows.Foundation.Metadata { public sealed class CreateFromStringAttribute : Attribute } namespace Windows.Gaming.Input { public sealed class ArcadeStick : IGameController public enum ArcadeStickButtons : uint public struct ArcadeStickReading public enum GameControllerButtonLabel public sealed class Gamepad : IGameController { GameControllerButtonLabel GetButtonLabel(GamepadButtons button); } public enum GamepadButtons : uint { Paddle1 = (uint)16384, Paddle2 = (uint)32768, Paddle3 = (uint)65536, Paddle4 = (uint)131072, } public enum OptionalUINavigationButtons : uint public sealed class RacingWheel : IGameController public enum RacingWheelButtons : uint public struct RacingWheelReading public enum RequiredUINavigationButtons : uint public sealed class UINavigationController : IGameController public struct UINavigationReading } namespace Windows.Gaming.Input.ForceFeedback { public sealed class ConditionForceEffect : IForceFeedbackEffect public enum ConditionForceEffectKind public sealed class ConstantForceEffect : IForceFeedbackEffect public enum ForceFeedbackEffectAxes : uint public enum ForceFeedbackEffectState public enum ForceFeedbackLoadEffectResult public sealed class ForceFeedbackMotor public interface IForceFeedbackEffect public sealed class PeriodicForceEffect : IForceFeedbackEffect public enum PeriodicForceEffectKind public sealed class RampForceEffect : IForceFeedbackEffect } namespace Windows.Globalization { public static class CalendarIdentifiers { public static string ChineseLunar { get; } public static string JapaneseLunar { get; } public static string KoreanLunar { get; } public static string TaiwanLunar { get; } public static string VietnameseLunar { get; } } } namespace Windows.Globalization.PhoneNumberFormatting { public enum PhoneNumberFormat public sealed class PhoneNumberFormatter public sealed class PhoneNumberInfo : IStringable public enum PhoneNumberMatchResult public enum PhoneNumberParseResult public enum PredictedPhoneNumberKind } namespace Windows.Graphics.Display { public sealed class DisplayInformation { uint ScreenHeightInRawPixels { get; } uint ScreenWidthInRawPixels { get; } } } namespace Windows.Graphics.Printing { public sealed class PrintManager { public static bool IsSupported(); } public sealed class PrintPageInfo public sealed class PrintTaskOptions : IPrintTaskOptionsCore, IPrintTaskOptionsCoreProperties, IPrintTaskOptionsCoreUIConfiguration { IRandomAccessStream GetPagePrintTicket(PrintPageInfo printPageInfo); } } namespace Windows.Management.Workplace { public static class MdmPolicy { public static MessagingSyncPolicy GetMessagingSyncPolicy(); } public enum MessagingSyncPolicy } namespace Windows.Media { public sealed class MusicDisplayProperties { uint AlbumTrackCount { get; set; } } } namespace Windows.Media.Audio { public sealed class AudioDeviceOutputNode : IAudioNode, IAudioNodeWithListener, IClosable public sealed class AudioFileOutputNode : IAudioNode, IClosable public sealed class AudioFrameOutputNode : IAudioNode, IClosable public sealed class AudioNodeEmitter { bool IsDopplerDisabled { get; } } public interface IAudioNodeWithListener : IAudioNode, IClosable } namespace Windows.Media.Capture { public sealed class LowLagMediaRecording { IAsyncOperation PauseWithResultAsync(MediaCapturePauseBehavior behavior); IAsyncOperation StopWithResultAsync(); } public sealed class MediaCapture : IClosable { IMapView FrameSources { get; } IAsyncOperation CreateFrameReaderAsync(MediaFrameSource inputSource); IAsyncOperation CreateFrameReaderAsync(MediaFrameSource inputSource, string outputSubtype); IAsyncOperation CreateFrameReaderAsync(MediaFrameSource inputSource, string outputSubtype, BitmapSize outputSize); IAsyncOperation PauseRecordWithResultAsync(MediaCapturePauseBehavior behavior); IAsyncOperation StopRecordWithResultAsync(); } public sealed class MediaCaptureInitializationSettings { MediaCaptureMemoryPreference MemoryPreference { get; set; } MediaCaptureSharingMode SharingMode { get; set; } MediaFrameSourceGroup SourceGroup { get; set; } } public enum MediaCaptureMemoryPreference public sealed class MediaCapturePauseResult : IClosable public enum MediaCaptureSharingMode public sealed class MediaCaptureStopResult : IClosable } namespace Windows.Media.Capture.Frames { public sealed class BufferMediaFrame public sealed class DepthMediaFrame public sealed class DepthMediaFrameFormat public sealed class InfraredMediaFrame public sealed class MediaFrameArrivedEventArgs public sealed class MediaFrameFormat public sealed class MediaFrameReader : IClosable public enum MediaFrameReaderStartStatus public sealed class MediaFrameReference : IClosable public sealed class MediaFrameSource public sealed class MediaFrameSourceController public sealed class MediaFrameSourceGetPropertyResult public enum MediaFrameSourceGetPropertyStatus public sealed class MediaFrameSourceGroup public sealed class MediaFrameSourceInfo public enum MediaFrameSourceKind public enum MediaFrameSourceSetPropertyStatus public sealed class VideoMediaFrame public sealed class VideoMediaFrameFormat } namespace Windows.Media.Core { public sealed class AudioStreamDescriptor : IMediaStreamDescriptor { IReference LeadingEncoderPadding { get; set; } IReference TrailingEncoderPadding { get; set; } } public sealed class MediaStreamSource : IMediaSource { event TypedEventHandler SampleRendered; } public sealed class MediaStreamSourceSampleLag public sealed class MediaStreamSourceSampleLagOccuredEventArgs } namespace Windows.Media.Devices.Core { public sealed class CameraIntrinsics { Matrix4x4 UndistortedProjectionTransform { get; } Point DistortPoint(Point input); void DistortPoints(Point[] inputs, Point[] results); Point UndistortPoint(Point input); void UndistortPoints(Point[] inputs, Point[] results); } public sealed class DepthCorrelatedCoordinateMapper : IClosable } namespace Windows.Media.MediaProperties { public enum StereoscopicVideoPackingMode public sealed class VideoEncodingProperties : IMediaEncodingProperties { StereoscopicVideoPackingMode StereoscopicVideoPackingMode { get; } } } namespace Windows.Media.Playback { public sealed class MediaBreakManager { MediaPlaybackSession PlaybackSession { get; } } public enum MediaCommandEnablingRule public sealed class MediaPlaybackCommandManager { MediaPlaybackCommandManagerCommandBehavior AutoRepeatModeBehavior { get; } MediaPlaybackCommandManagerCommandBehavior FastForwardBehavior { get; } MediaPlayer MediaPlayer { get; } MediaPlaybackCommandManagerCommandBehavior NextBehavior { get; } MediaPlaybackCommandManagerCommandBehavior PauseBehavior { get; } MediaPlaybackCommandManagerCommandBehavior PlayBehavior { get; } MediaPlaybackCommandManagerCommandBehavior PositionBehavior { get; } MediaPlaybackCommandManagerCommandBehavior PreviousBehavior { get; } MediaPlaybackCommandManagerCommandBehavior RateBehavior { get; } MediaPlaybackCommandManagerCommandBehavior RewindBehavior { get; } MediaPlaybackCommandManagerCommandBehavior ShuffleBehavior { get; } event TypedEventHandler AutoRepeatModeReceived; event TypedEventHandler FastForwardReceived; event TypedEventHandler NextReceived; event TypedEventHandler PauseReceived; event TypedEventHandler PlaybackPositionCommandReceived; event TypedEventHandler PlaybackRateCommandReceived; event TypedEventHandler PlayReceived; event TypedEventHandler PositionReceived; event TypedEventHandler PreviousReceived; event TypedEventHandler RateReceived; event TypedEventHandler RewindReceived; event TypedEventHandler ShuffleReceived; } public sealed class MediaPlaybackCommandManagerAutoRepeatModeReceivedEventArgs public sealed class MediaPlaybackCommandManagerCommandBehavior public sealed class MediaPlaybackCommandManagerFastForwardReceivedEventArgs public sealed class MediaPlaybackCommandManagerNextReceivedEventArgs public sealed class MediaPlaybackCommandManagerPauseReceivedEventArgs public sealed class MediaPlaybackCommandManagerPlayReceivedEventArgs public sealed class MediaPlaybackCommandManagerPositionReceivedEventArgs public sealed class MediaPlaybackCommandManagerPreviousReceivedEventArgs public sealed class MediaPlaybackCommandManagerRateReceivedEventArgs public sealed class MediaPlaybackCommandManagerRewindReceivedEventArgs public sealed class MediaPlaybackCommandManagerShuffleReceivedEventArgs public sealed class MediaPlaybackItem : IMediaPlaybackSource { void ApplyDisplayProperties(MediaItemDisplayProperties value); MediaItemDisplayProperties GetDisplayProperties(); } public sealed class MediaPlaybackSession public enum MediaPlaybackState public sealed class MediaPlayer : IClosable { double AudioBalance { get; set; } MediaPlaybackSession PlaybackSession { get; } StereoscopicVideoRenderMode StereoscopicVideoRenderMode { get; set; } event TypedEventHandler IsMutedChanged; event TypedEventHandler SourceChanged; void AddVideoEffect(string activatableClassId, bool effectOptional, IPropertySet effectConfiguration); MediaPlayerSurface GetSurface(Compositor compositor); void SetSurfaceSize(Size size); void StepBackwardOneFrame(); void StepForwardOneFrame(); } public sealed class MediaPlayerSurface : IClosable public enum StereoscopicVideoRenderMode } namespace Windows.Media.Protection { public enum HdcpProtection public sealed class HdcpSession : IClosable public enum HdcpSetProtectionResult } namespace Windows.Media.Protection.PlayReady { public static class PlayReadyStatics { public static string InputTrustAuthorityToCreate { get; } public static Guid ProtectionSystemId { get; } } } namespace Windows.Networking.NetworkOperators { public sealed class NetworkOperatorTetheringManager { public static NetworkOperatorTetheringManager CreateFromConnectionProfile(ConnectionProfile profile, NetworkAdapter adapter); } public enum TetheringOperationStatus { BluetoothDeviceOff = 7, NetworkLimitedConnectivity = 8, } } namespace Windows.Networking.PushNotifications { public static class PushNotificationChannelManager { public static PushNotificationChannelManagerForUser GetForUser(User user); } public sealed class PushNotificationChannelManagerForUser } namespace Windows.Networking.Sockets { public interface IWebSocketControl2 : IWebSocketControl public interface IWebSocketInformation2 : IWebSocketInformation public sealed class MessageWebSocket : IClosable, IWebSocket { event TypedEventHandler ServerCustomValidationRequested; } public sealed class MessageWebSocketControl : IWebSocketControl, IWebSocketControl2 { IVector IgnorableServerCertificateErrors { get; } } public sealed class MessageWebSocketInformation : IWebSocketInformation, IWebSocketInformation2 { Certificate ServerCertificate { get; } IVectorView ServerCertificateErrors { get; } SocketSslErrorSeverity ServerCertificateErrorSeverity { get; } IVectorView ServerIntermediateCertificates { get; } } public sealed class StreamSocket : IClosable { public static IAsyncOperation > GetEndpointPairsAsync(HostName remoteHostName, string remoteServiceName); public static IAsyncOperation > GetEndpointPairsAsync(HostName remoteHostName, string remoteServiceName, HostNameSortOptions sortOptions); } public sealed class StreamWebSocket : IClosable, IWebSocket { event TypedEventHandler ServerCustomValidationRequested; } public sealed class StreamWebSocketControl : IWebSocketControl, IWebSocketControl2 { IVector IgnorableServerCertificateErrors { get; } } public sealed class StreamWebSocketInformation : IWebSocketInformation, IWebSocketInformation2 { Certificate ServerCertificate { get; } IVectorView ServerCertificateErrors { get; } SocketSslErrorSeverity ServerCertificateErrorSeverity { get; } IVectorView ServerIntermediateCertificates { get; } } public sealed class WebSocketServerCustomValidationRequestedEventArgs } namespace Windows.Networking.Vpn { public sealed class VpnDomainNameInfo { IVector WebProxyUris { get; } } public enum VpnManagementConnectionStatus public enum VpnManagementErrorStatus { AlreadyConnected = 8, AlreadyDisconnecting = 7, CannotFindProfile = 6, CertificateFailure = 12, DnsNotResolvable = 17, EapFailure = 10, GeneralAuthenticationFailure = 9, InvalidIP = 18, NoConnection = 14, ServerConfiguration = 13, ServerConnection = 15, SmartCardFailure = 11, UserNamePassword = 16, } public sealed class VpnNativeProfile : IVpnProfile { VpnManagementConnectionStatus ConnectionStatus { get; } bool RequireVpnClientAppUI { get; set; } } public sealed class VpnPlugInProfile : IVpnProfile { VpnManagementConnectionStatus ConnectionStatus { get; } bool RequireVpnClientAppUI { get; set; } } } namespace Windows.Security.Authentication.Identity.Core { public sealed class MicrosoftAccountMultiFactorAuthenticationManager { IAsyncOperation ApproveSessionAsync(MicrosoftAccountMultiFactorSessionAuthenticationStatus sessionAuthentictionStatus, string userAccountId, string sessionId, MicrosoftAccountMultiFactorAuthenticationType sessionAuthenticationType); IAsyncOperation ApproveSessionAsync(MicrosoftAccountMultiFactorSessionAuthenticationStatus sessionAuthentictionStatus, MicrosoftAccountMultiFactorSessionInfo authenticationSessionInfo); } public enum MicrosoftAccountMultiFactorServiceResponse { DeviceIdChanged = 21, DeviceNotFound = 14, FlowDisabled = 15, InvalidOperation = 12, InvalidSessionId = 10, InvalidSessionType = 11, InvalidStateTransition = 13, NgcDisabledByServer = 18, NgcKeyNotFoundOnServer = 19, NgcNonceExpired = 9, NgcNotSetup = 5, OperationCanceledByUser = 17, SessionAlreadyApproved = 7, SessionAlreadyDenied = 6, SessionExpired = 8, SessionNotApproved = 16, UIRequired = 20, } public enum MicrosoftAccountMultiFactorSessionApprovalStatus { Denied = 2, } } namespace Windows.Security.Authentication.Identity.Provider { public sealed class SecondaryAuthenticationFactorAuthentication public enum SecondaryAuthenticationFactorAuthenticationMessage public sealed class SecondaryAuthenticationFactorAuthenticationResult public enum SecondaryAuthenticationFactorAuthenticationScenario public enum SecondaryAuthenticationFactorAuthenticationStage public sealed class SecondaryAuthenticationFactorAuthenticationStageChangedEventArgs public sealed class SecondaryAuthenticationFactorAuthenticationStageInfo public enum SecondaryAuthenticationFactorAuthenticationStatus public enum SecondaryAuthenticationFactorDeviceCapabilities : uint public enum SecondaryAuthenticationFactorDeviceFindScope public enum SecondaryAuthenticationFactorFinishAuthenticationStatus public sealed class SecondaryAuthenticationFactorInfo public sealed class SecondaryAuthenticationFactorRegistration public sealed class SecondaryAuthenticationFactorRegistrationResult public enum SecondaryAuthenticationFactorRegistrationStatus } namespace Windows.Storage { public sealed class StorageLibrary { StorageLibraryChangeTracker ChangeTracker { get; } } public sealed class StorageLibraryChange public sealed class StorageLibraryChangeReader public sealed class StorageLibraryChangeTracker public enum StorageLibraryChangeType } namespace Windows.System { public enum AppMemoryUsageLevel { OverLimit = 3, } public static class Launcher { public static IAsyncOperation > FindAppUriHandlersAsync(Uri uri); public static IAsyncOperation QueryAppUriSupportAsync(Uri uri); public static IAsyncOperation QueryAppUriSupportAsync(Uri uri, string packageFamilyName); } public sealed class LauncherOptions : ILauncherViewOptions { bool IgnoreAppUriHandlers { get; set; } } public static class RemoteLauncher public sealed class RemoteLauncherOptions public enum RemoteLaunchUriStatus public static class UserDeviceAssociation public sealed class UserDeviceAssociationChangedEventArgs public sealed class UserPicker } namespace Windows.System.Profile { public static class SystemIdentification public sealed class SystemIdentificationInfo public enum SystemIdentificationSource } namespace Windows.System.RemoteSystems { public interface IRemoteSystemFilter public sealed class RemoteSystem public enum RemoteSystemAccessStatus public sealed class RemoteSystemAddedEventArgs public sealed class RemoteSystemConnectionRequest public enum RemoteSystemDiscoveryType public sealed class RemoteSystemDiscoveryTypeFilter : IRemoteSystemFilter public sealed class RemoteSystemKindFilter : IRemoteSystemFilter public static class RemoteSystemKinds public sealed class RemoteSystemRemovedEventArgs public enum RemoteSystemStatus public enum RemoteSystemStatusType public sealed class RemoteSystemStatusTypeFilter : IRemoteSystemFilter public sealed class RemoteSystemUpdatedEventArgs public sealed class RemoteSystemWatcher } namespace Windows.System.UserProfile { public static class AdvertisingManager { public static AdvertisingManagerForUser GetForUser(User user); } public sealed class AdvertisingManagerForUser } namespace Windows.UI.ApplicationSettings { public sealed class AccountsSettingsPane { public static IAsyncAction ShowAddAccountAsync(); public static IAsyncAction ShowManageAccountsAsync(); } } namespace Windows.UI.Composition { public sealed class AmbientLight : CompositionLight public class CompositionAnimation : CompositionObject, ICompositionAnimationBase { string Target { get; set; } void SetBooleanParameter(string key, bool value); } public sealed class CompositionAnimationGroup : CompositionObject, ICompositionAnimationBase, IIterable public sealed class CompositionBackdropBrush : CompositionBrush public class CompositionLight : CompositionObject public sealed class CompositionNineGridBrush : CompositionBrush public class CompositionObject : IClosable { string Comment { get; set; } ImplicitAnimationCollection ImplicitAnimations { get; set; } void StartAnimationGroup(ICompositionAnimationBase value); void StopAnimationGroup(ICompositionAnimationBase value); } public sealed class CompositionPropertyChangedEventArgs : CompositionObject public sealed class CompositionPropertySet : CompositionObject { void InsertBoolean(string propertyName, bool value); CompositionGetValueStatus TryGetBoolean(string propertyName, out bool value); } public sealed class Compositor : IClosable { AmbientLight CreateAmbientLight(); AnimationGroup CreateAnimationGroup(); CompositionAnimationGroup CreateAnimationGroup(); CompositionBackdropBrush CreateBackdropBrush(); CompositionDestinationBrush CreateDestinationBrush(); DistantLight CreateDistantLight(); ImplicitAnimationCollection CreateImplicitAnimationCollection(); LayerVisual CreateLayerVisual(); CompositionNineGridBrush CreateNineGridBrush(); PointLight CreatePointLight(); SpotLight CreateSpotLight(); } public sealed class DistantLight : CompositionLight public sealed class DropShadow : CompositionShadow { float Opacity { get; set; } } public interface ICompositionAnimationBase public sealed class ImplicitAnimationCollection : CompositionObject, IIterable >, IMap public class KeyFrameAnimation : CompositionAnimation { } public sealed class LayerVisual : ContainerVisual public sealed class PointLight : CompositionLight public sealed class SpotLight : CompositionLight public sealed class StepEasingFunction : CompositionEasingFunction { int FinalStep { get; set; } int InitialStep { get; set; } bool IsFinalStepSingleFrame { get; set; } bool IsInitialStepSingleFrame { get; set; } } public sealed class VisualUnorderedCollection : CompositionObject, IIterable } namespace Windows.UI.Composition.Effects { public sealed class SceneLightingEffect : IGraphicsEffect, IGraphicsEffectSource } namespace Windows.UI.Composition.Interactions { public sealed class CompositionInteractionSourceCollection : CompositionObject, IIterable public interface ICompositionInteractionSource public interface IInteractionTrackerOwner public enum InteractionChainingMode public enum InteractionSourceMode public sealed class InteractionTracker : CompositionObject public sealed class InteractionTrackerCustomAnimationStateEnteredArgs public sealed class InteractionTrackerIdleStateEnteredArgs public class InteractionTrackerInertiaModifier : CompositionObject public sealed class InteractionTrackerInertiaMotion : InteractionTrackerInertiaModifier public sealed class InteractionTrackerInertiaRestingValue : InteractionTrackerInertiaModifier public sealed class InteractionTrackerInertiaStateEnteredArgs public sealed class InteractionTrackerInteractingStateEnteredArgs public sealed class InteractionTrackerRequestIgnoredArgs public sealed class InteractionTrackerValuesChangedArgs public sealed class VisualInteractionSource : CompositionObject, ICompositionInteractionSource public enum VisualInteractionSourceRedirectionMode } namespace Windows.UI.Core { public sealed class AcceleratorKeyEventArgs : ICoreWindowEventArgs { string DeviceId { get; } } public sealed class CoreComponentInputSource : ICoreInputSourceBase, ICorePointerInputSource { string GetCurrentKeyEventDeviceId(); } public sealed class CoreWindow : ICorePointerRedirector, ICoreWindow { string GetCurrentKeyEventDeviceId(); } public sealed class KeyEventArgs : ICoreWindowEventArgs { string DeviceId { get; } } } namespace Windows.UI.Input { public sealed class RadialController public sealed class RadialControllerConfiguration public sealed class RadialControllerMenu public sealed class RadialControllerMenuItem public enum RadialControllerMenuKnownIcon public sealed class RadialControllerRotationChangedEventArgs public sealed class RadialControllerScreenContact public sealed class RadialControllerScreenContactContinuedEventArgs public sealed class RadialControllerScreenContactStartedEventArgs public enum RadialControllerSystemMenuItemKind } namespace Windows.UI.Input.Inking { public interface IInkPresenterRulerFactory public interface IInkPresenterStencil public sealed class InkDrawingAttributes { InkDrawingAttributesKind Kind { get; } InkDrawingAttributesPencilProperties PencilProperties { get; } public static InkDrawingAttributes CreateForPencil(); } public enum InkDrawingAttributesKind public sealed class InkDrawingAttributesPencilProperties public sealed class InkPresenterRuler : IInkPresenterStencil public enum InkPresenterStencilKind } namespace Windows.UI.Input.Inking.Core { public enum CoreWetStrokeDisposition public sealed class CoreWetStrokeUpdateEventArgs public sealed class CoreWetStrokeUpdateSource } namespace Windows.UI.Input.Preview.Injection { public enum InjectedInputButtonChangeKind public sealed class InjectedInputKeyboardInfo public enum InjectedInputKeyOptions : uint public sealed class InjectedInputMouseInfo public enum InjectedInputMouseOptions : uint public enum InjectedInputPenButtons : uint public sealed class InjectedInputPenInfo public enum InjectedInputPenParameters : uint public struct InjectedInputPoint public struct InjectedInputPointerInfo public enum InjectedInputPointerOptions : uint public struct InjectedInputRectangle public enum InjectedInputShortcut public sealed class InjectedInputTouchInfo public enum InjectedInputTouchParameters : uint public enum InjectedInputVisualizationMode public sealed class InputInjector } namespace Windows.UI.Notifications { public enum AdaptiveNotificationContentKind public sealed class AdaptiveNotificationText : IAdaptiveNotificationContent public static class BadgeUpdateManager { public static BadgeUpdateManagerForUser GetForUser(User user); } public sealed class BadgeUpdateManagerForUser public interface IAdaptiveNotificationContent public static class KnownAdaptiveNotificationHints public static class KnownAdaptiveNotificationTextStyles public static class KnownNotificationBindings public sealed class Notification public sealed class NotificationBinding public enum NotificationKinds : uint public enum NotificationMirroring public sealed class NotificationVisual public sealed class ScheduledToastNotification { NotificationMirroring NotificationMirroring { get; set; } string RemoteId { get; set; } } public sealed class ShownTileNotification public static class TileUpdateManager { public static TileUpdateManagerForUser GetForUser(User user); } public sealed class TileUpdateManagerForUser public sealed class ToastNotification { NotificationMirroring NotificationMirroring { get; set; } string RemoteId { get; set; } } public static class ToastNotificationManager { public static void ConfigureNotificationMirroring(NotificationMirroring value); public static ToastNotificationManagerForUser GetForUser(User user); } public sealed class ToastNotificationManagerForUser public sealed class UserNotification public sealed class UserNotificationChangedEventArgs public enum UserNotificationChangedKind } namespace Windows.UI.Notifications.Management { public sealed class UserNotificationListener public enum UserNotificationListenerAccessStatus } namespace Windows.UI.Text.Core { public enum CoreTextInputScope { ChatWithoutEmoji = 68, } } namespace Windows.UI.WebUI { public sealed class EnteredBackgroundEventArgs : IEnteredBackgroundEventArgs public delegate void EnteredBackgroundEventHandler(object sender, IEnteredBackgroundEventArgs e); public sealed class LeavingBackgroundEventArgs : ILeavingBackgroundEventArgs public delegate void LeavingBackgroundEventHandler(object sender, ILeavingBackgroundEventArgs e); public static class WebUIApplication { public static event EnteredBackgroundEventHandler EnteredBackground; public static event LeavingBackgroundEventHandler LeavingBackground; } public sealed class WebUIAppointmentsProviderAddAppointmentActivatedEventArgs : IActivatedEventArgs, IActivatedEventArgsDeferral, IActivatedEventArgsWithUser, IAppointmentsProviderActivatedEventArgs, IAppointmentsProviderAddAppointmentActivatedEventArgs { User User { get; } } public sealed class WebUIAppointmentsProviderRemoveAppointmentActivatedEventArgs : IActivatedEventArgs, IActivatedEventArgsDeferral, IActivatedEventArgsWithUser, IAppointmentsProviderActivatedEventArgs, IAppointmentsProviderRemoveAppointmentActivatedEventArgs { User User { get; } } public sealed class WebUIAppointmentsProviderReplaceAppointmentActivatedEventArgs : IActivatedEventArgs, IActivatedEventArgsDeferral, IActivatedEventArgsWithUser, IAppointmentsProviderActivatedEventArgs, IAppointmentsProviderReplaceAppointmentActivatedEventArgs { User User { get; } } public sealed class WebUIAppointmentsProviderShowAppointmentDetailsActivatedEventArgs : IActivatedEventArgs, IActivatedEventArgsDeferral, IActivatedEventArgsWithUser, IAppointmentsProviderActivatedEventArgs, IAppointmentsProviderShowAppointmentDetailsActivatedEventArgs { User User { get; } } public sealed class WebUIAppointmentsProviderShowTimeFrameActivatedEventArgs : IActivatedEventArgs, IActivatedEventArgsDeferral, IActivatedEventArgsWithUser, IAppointmentsProviderActivatedEventArgs, IAppointmentsProviderShowTimeFrameActivatedEventArgs { User User { get; } } public sealed class WebUICachedFileUpdaterActivatedEventArgs : IActivatedEventArgs, IActivatedEventArgsDeferral, IActivatedEventArgsWithUser, ICachedFileUpdaterActivatedEventArgs { User User { get; } } public sealed class WebUIDeviceActivatedEventArgs : IActivatedEventArgs, IActivatedEventArgsDeferral, IActivatedEventArgsWithUser, IApplicationViewActivatedEventArgs, IDeviceActivatedEventArgs { User User { get; } } public sealed class WebUIDevicePairingActivatedEventArgs : IActivatedEventArgs, IActivatedEventArgsDeferral, IActivatedEventArgsWithUser, IDevicePairingActivatedEventArgs { User User { get; } } public sealed class WebUIDialReceiverActivatedEventArgs : IActivatedEventArgs, IActivatedEventArgsDeferral, IActivatedEventArgsWithUser, IApplicationViewActivatedEventArgs, IDialReceiverActivatedEventArgs, ILaunchActivatedEventArgs { User User { get; } } public sealed class WebUIFileActivatedEventArgs : IActivatedEventArgs, IActivatedEventArgsDeferral, IActivatedEventArgsWithUser, IApplicationViewActivatedEventArgs, IFileActivatedEventArgs, IFileActivatedEventArgsWithNeighboringFiles { User User { get; } } public sealed class WebUIFileOpenPickerActivatedEventArgs : IActivatedEventArgs, IActivatedEventArgsDeferral, IActivatedEventArgsWithUser, IFileOpenPickerActivatedEventArgs, IFileOpenPickerActivatedEventArgs2 { User User { get; } } public sealed class WebUIFileOpenPickerContinuationEventArgs : IActivatedEventArgs, IActivatedEventArgsDeferral, IActivatedEventArgsWithUser, IContinuationActivatedEventArgs, IFileOpenPickerContinuationEventArgs { User User { get; } } public sealed class WebUIFileSavePickerActivatedEventArgs : IActivatedEventArgs, IActivatedEventArgsDeferral, IActivatedEventArgsWithUser, IFileSavePickerActivatedEventArgs, IFileSavePickerActivatedEventArgs2 { User User { get; } } public sealed class WebUIFileSavePickerContinuationEventArgs : IActivatedEventArgs, IActivatedEventArgsDeferral, IActivatedEventArgsWithUser, IContinuationActivatedEventArgs, IFileSavePickerContinuationEventArgs { User User { get; } } public sealed class WebUIFolderPickerContinuationEventArgs : IActivatedEventArgs, IActivatedEventArgsDeferral, IActivatedEventArgsWithUser, IContinuationActivatedEventArgs, IFolderPickerContinuationEventArgs { User User { get; } } public sealed class WebUILaunchActivatedEventArgs : IActivatedEventArgs, IActivatedEventArgsDeferral, IActivatedEventArgsWithUser, IApplicationViewActivatedEventArgs, ILaunchActivatedEventArgs, IPrelaunchActivatedEventArgs { User User { get; } } public sealed class WebUILockScreenActivatedEventArgs : IActivatedEventArgs, IActivatedEventArgsDeferral, IActivatedEventArgsWithUser, IApplicationViewActivatedEventArgs, ILockScreenActivatedEventArgs { User User { get; } } public sealed class WebUIProtocolActivatedEventArgs : IActivatedEventArgs, IActivatedEventArgsDeferral, IActivatedEventArgsWithUser, IApplicationViewActivatedEventArgs, IProtocolActivatedEventArgs, IProtocolActivatedEventArgsWithCallerPackageFamilyNameAndData { User User { get; } } public sealed class WebUIProtocolForResultsActivatedEventArgs : IActivatedEventArgs, IActivatedEventArgsDeferral, IActivatedEventArgsWithUser, IApplicationViewActivatedEventArgs, IProtocolActivatedEventArgs, IProtocolActivatedEventArgsWithCallerPackageFamilyNameAndData, IProtocolForResultsActivatedEventArgs { User User { get; } } public sealed class WebUIRestrictedLaunchActivatedEventArgs : IActivatedEventArgs, IActivatedEventArgsDeferral, IActivatedEventArgsWithUser, IRestrictedLaunchActivatedEventArgs { User User { get; } } public sealed class WebUIShareTargetActivatedEventArgs : IActivatedEventArgs, IActivatedEventArgsDeferral, IActivatedEventArgsWithUser, IShareTargetActivatedEventArgs { User User { get; } } public sealed class WebUIToastNotificationActivatedEventArgs : IActivatedEventArgs, IActivatedEventArgsDeferral, IActivatedEventArgsWithUser, IToastNotificationActivatedEventArgs { User User { get; } } public sealed class WebUIUserDataAccountProviderActivatedEventArgs : IActivatedEventArgs, IActivatedEventArgsDeferral, IUserDataAccountProviderActivatedEventArgs public sealed class WebUIVoiceCommandActivatedEventArgs : IActivatedEventArgs, IActivatedEventArgsDeferral, IActivatedEventArgsWithUser, IVoiceCommandActivatedEventArgs { User User { get; } } public sealed class WebUIWebAccountProviderActivatedEventArgs : IActivatedEventArgs, IActivatedEventArgsDeferral, IActivatedEventArgsWithUser, IWebAccountProviderActivatedEventArgs { User User { get; } } } namespace Windows.UI.Xaml { public class Application { FocusVisualKind FocusVisualKind { get; set; } ApplicationRequiresPointerMode RequiresPointerMode { get; set; } event EnteredBackgroundEventHandler EnteredBackground; event LeavingBackgroundEventHandler LeavingBackground; virtual void OnBackgroundActivated(BackgroundActivatedEventArgs args); } public enum ApplicationRequiresPointerMode public sealed class DragEventArgs : RoutedEventArgs { DataPackageOperation AllowedOperations { get; } } public sealed class DragStartingEventArgs : RoutedEventArgs { DataPackageOperation AllowedOperations { get; set; } } public enum ElementSoundKind public enum ElementSoundMode public sealed class ElementSoundPlayer public enum ElementSoundPlayerState public delegate void EnteredBackgroundEventHandler(object sender, EnteredBackgroundEventArgs e); public enum FocusVisualKind public class FrameworkElement : UIElement { bool AllowFocusWhenDisabled { get; set; } public static DependencyProperty AllowFocusWhenDisabledProperty { get; } Thickness FocusVisualMargin { get; set; } public static DependencyProperty FocusVisualMarginProperty { get; } Brush FocusVisualPrimaryBrush { get; set; } public static DependencyProperty FocusVisualPrimaryBrushProperty { get; } Thickness FocusVisualPrimaryThickness { get; set; } public static DependencyProperty FocusVisualPrimaryThicknessProperty { get; } Brush FocusVisualSecondaryBrush { get; set; } public static DependencyProperty FocusVisualSecondaryBrushProperty { get; } Thickness FocusVisualSecondaryThickness { get; set; } public static DependencyProperty FocusVisualSecondaryThicknessProperty { get; } } public delegate void LeavingBackgroundEventHandler(object sender, LeavingBackgroundEventArgs e); public class UIElement : DependencyObject { bool ExitDisplayModeOnAccessKeyInvoked { get; set; } public static DependencyProperty ExitDisplayModeOnAccessKeyInvokedProperty { get; } } } namespace Windows.UI.Xaml.Automation.Peers { public sealed class InkToolbarAutomationPeer : FrameworkElementAutomationPeer public class MediaPlayerElementAutomationPeer : FrameworkElementAutomationPeer } namespace Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls { public class AppBar : ContentControl { LightDismissOverlayMode LightDismissOverlayMode { get; set; } public static DependencyProperty LightDismissOverlayModeProperty { get; } } public class AppBarButton : Button, ICommandBarElement, ICommandBarElement2 { int DynamicOverflowOrder { get; set; } public static DependencyProperty DynamicOverflowOrderProperty { get; } bool IsInOverflow { get; } public static DependencyProperty IsInOverflowProperty { get; } } public class AppBarSeparator : Control, ICommandBarElement, ICommandBarElement2 { int DynamicOverflowOrder { get; set; } public static DependencyProperty DynamicOverflowOrderProperty { get; } bool IsInOverflow { get; } public static DependencyProperty IsInOverflowProperty { get; } } public class AppBarToggleButton : ToggleButton, ICommandBarElement, ICommandBarElement2 { int DynamicOverflowOrder { get; set; } public static DependencyProperty DynamicOverflowOrderProperty { get; } bool IsInOverflow { get; } public static DependencyProperty IsInOverflowProperty { get; } } public sealed class AutoSuggestBox : ItemsControl { LightDismissOverlayMode LightDismissOverlayMode { get; set; } public static DependencyProperty LightDismissOverlayModeProperty { get; } } public class CalendarDatePicker : Control { LightDismissOverlayMode LightDismissOverlayMode { get; set; } public static DependencyProperty LightDismissOverlayModeProperty { get; } } public class ComboBox : Selector { bool IsTextSearchEnabled { get; set; } public static DependencyProperty IsTextSearchEnabledProperty { get; } LightDismissOverlayMode LightDismissOverlayMode { get; set; } public static DependencyProperty LightDismissOverlayModeProperty { get; } } public class CommandBar : AppBar { bool IsDynamicOverflowEnabled { get; set; } public static DependencyProperty IsDynamicOverflowEnabledProperty { get; } event TypedEventHandler DynamicOverflowItemsChanging; } public enum CommandBarDynamicOverflowAction public class Control : FrameworkElement { ElementSoundMode ElementSoundMode { get; set; } public static DependencyProperty ElementSoundModeProperty { get; } bool IsFocusEngaged { get; set; } public static DependencyProperty IsFocusEngagedProperty { get; } bool IsFocusEngagementEnabled { get; set; } public static DependencyProperty IsFocusEngagementEnabledProperty { get; } RequiresPointer RequiresPointer { get; set; } event TypedEventHandler FocusDisengaged; event TypedEventHandler FocusEngaged; void RemoveFocusEngagement(); } public class DatePicker : Control { LightDismissOverlayMode LightDismissOverlayMode { get; set; } public static DependencyProperty LightDismissOverlayModeProperty { get; } } public sealed class DynamicOverflowItemsChangingEventArgs public sealed class FocusDisengagedEventArgs : RoutedEventArgs public sealed class FocusEngagedEventArgs : RoutedEventArgs public interface ICommandBarElement2 public sealed class Image : FrameworkElement { CompositionBrush GetAlphaMask(); } public class InkToolbar : Control public class InkToolbarBallpointPenButton : InkToolbarPenButton public class InkToolbarCustomPen : DependencyObject public class InkToolbarCustomPenButton : InkToolbarPenButton public class InkToolbarCustomToggleButton : InkToolbarToggleButton public class InkToolbarCustomToolButton : InkToolbarToolButton public class InkToolbarEraserButton : InkToolbarToolButton public class InkToolbarHighlighterButton : InkToolbarPenButton public enum InkToolbarInitialControls public class InkToolbarPenButton : InkToolbarToolButton public class InkToolbarPencilButton : InkToolbarPenButton public class InkToolbarPenConfigurationControl : Control public class InkToolbarRulerButton : InkToolbarToggleButton public enum InkToolbarToggle public class InkToolbarToggleButton : CheckBox public enum InkToolbarTool public class InkToolbarToolButton : RadioButton public enum LightDismissOverlayMode public class MediaPlayerElement : Control public class MediaPlayerPresenter : FrameworkElement public class MediaTransportControls : Control { FastPlayFallbackBehaviour FastPlayFallbackBehaviour { get; set; } public static DependencyProperty FastPlayFallbackBehaviourProperty { get; } bool IsNextTrackButtonVisible { get; set; } public static DependencyProperty IsNextTrackButtonVisibleProperty { get; } bool IsPreviousTrackButtonVisible { get; set; } public static DependencyProperty IsPreviousTrackButtonVisibleProperty { get; } bool IsSkipBackwardButtonVisible { get; set; } public static DependencyProperty IsSkipBackwardButtonVisibleProperty { get; } bool IsSkipBackwardEnabled { get; set; } public static DependencyProperty IsSkipBackwardEnabledProperty { get; } bool IsSkipForwardButtonVisible { get; set; } public static DependencyProperty IsSkipForwardButtonVisibleProperty { get; } bool IsSkipForwardEnabled { get; set; } public static DependencyProperty IsSkipForwardEnabledProperty { get; } event TypedEventHandler ThumbnailRequested; } public class Pivot : ItemsControl { PivotHeaderFocusVisualPlacement HeaderFocusVisualPlacement { get; set; } public static DependencyProperty HeaderFocusVisualPlacementProperty { get; } bool IsHeaderItemsCarouselEnabled { get; set; } public static DependencyProperty IsHeaderItemsCarouselEnabledProperty { get; } } public enum PivotHeaderFocusVisualPlacement public enum RequiresPointer public class SplitView : Control { LightDismissOverlayMode LightDismissOverlayMode { get; set; } public static DependencyProperty LightDismissOverlayModeProperty { get; } } public sealed class TextBlock : FrameworkElement { CompositionBrush GetAlphaMask(); } public class TimePicker : Control { LightDismissOverlayMode LightDismissOverlayMode { get; set; } public static DependencyProperty LightDismissOverlayModeProperty { get; } } public enum WebViewPermissionType { WebNotifications = 4, } } namespace Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Primitives { public class FlyoutBase : DependencyObject { bool AllowFocusWhenDisabled { get; set; } public static DependencyProperty AllowFocusWhenDisabledProperty { get; } ElementSoundMode ElementSoundMode { get; set; } public static DependencyProperty ElementSoundModeProperty { get; } LightDismissOverlayMode LightDismissOverlayMode { get; set; } public static DependencyProperty LightDismissOverlayModeProperty { get; } } public sealed class Popup : FrameworkElement { LightDismissOverlayMode LightDismissOverlayMode { get; set; } public static DependencyProperty LightDismissOverlayModeProperty { get; } } } namespace Windows.UI.Xaml.Documents { public sealed class Hyperlink : Span { ElementSoundMode ElementSoundMode { get; set; } public static DependencyProperty ElementSoundModeProperty { get; } } public class TextElement : DependencyObject { bool ExitDisplayModeOnAccessKeyInvoked { get; set; } public static DependencyProperty ExitDisplayModeOnAccessKeyInvokedProperty { get; } } } namespace Windows.UI.Xaml.Input { public enum InputScopeNameValue { ChatWithoutEmoji = 68, } public sealed class KeyRoutedEventArgs : RoutedEventArgs { string DeviceId { get; } } } namespace Windows.UI.Xaml.Media { public sealed class BrushCollection : IIterable , IVector public enum FastPlayFallbackBehaviour public sealed class MediaTransportControlsThumbnailRequestedEventArgs } namespace Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Animation { public sealed class ConnectedAnimation public sealed class ConnectedAnimationService } namespace Windows.UI.Xaml.Shapes { public class Shape : FrameworkElement { CompositionBrush GetAlphaMask(); } } namespace Windows.Media.Capture { public sealed class AppCaptureSettings { AppCaptureVideoEncodingFrameRateMode VideoEncodingFrameRateMode { get; set; } } public enum AppCaptureVideoEncodingFrameRateMode } namespace Windows.Networking.Sockets { public sealed class ControlChannelTrigger : IClosable { bool IsWakeFromLowPowerSupported { get; } } }
Removed APIs
namespace Windows.ApplicationModel.Contacts { public sealed class ContactList { ContactListConstraints Constraints { get; } } public sealed class ContactListConstraints } namespace Windows.ApplicationModel.Store { public sealed class PackageUpdate public static class PackageUpdateManager public sealed class PackageUpdateResult public enum PackageUpdateState public struct PackageUpdateStatus } namespace Windows.ApplicationModel.Store.Preview.InstallControl { public sealed class AppInstallManager { IAsyncOperationStartAppInstallAsync(string productId, string skuId, bool repair, bool forceUseOfNonRemovableStorage, string catalogId, string bundleId, string correlationVector, PackageVolume targetVolume); } } namespace Windows.ApplicationModel.UserDataAccounts.SystemAccess { public static class UserDataAccountSystemAccessManager { public static IAsyncAction MakeDefaultAccountAsync(string userDataAccountId); } } namespace Windows.Media.Audio { public sealed class AudioDeviceOutputNode : IAudioNode, IAudioNode2, IClosable { } public sealed class AudioFileOutputNode : IAudioNode, IAudioNode2, IClosable { AudioNodeListener Listener { get; set; } } public sealed class AudioFrameOutputNode : IAudioNode, IAudioNode2, IClosable { AudioNodeListener Listener { get; set; } } public sealed class AudioNodeEmitter { bool IsDopplerDisabled { get; } } public interface IAudioNode2 : IAudioNode, IClosable } namespace Windows.Media.Core { public sealed class AudioStreamDescriptor : IMediaStreamDescriptor { IReference EncoderDelay { get; set; } IReference EncoderPadding { get; set; } } public sealed class MediaStreamSource : IMediaSource { event TypedEventHandler SampleLagOccured; } public sealed class MediaStreamSourceSampleLag public sealed class MediaStreamSourceSampleLagOccuredEventArgs } namespace Windows.Media.MediaProperties { public enum StereoVideoPackingMode public sealed class VideoEncodingProperties : IMediaEncodingProperties { StereoVideoPackingMode StereoVideoPackingMode { get; } } } namespace Windows.Media.Playback { public sealed class AutoRepeatModeCommandReceivedEventArgs public sealed class FastForwardCommandReceivedEventArgs public enum FrameStepDirection public sealed class MediaBreakManager { MediaPlaybackSession PlaybackSession { get; } } public enum MediaCommandEnablingRule public sealed class MediaItemDisplayProperties { RandomAccessStreamReference BackgroundArt { get; set; } void ApplyChanges(); } public sealed class MediaPlaybackCommandManager { PlaybackCommandEnabledBehavior AutoRepeatModeEnabledBehavior { get; set; } PlaybackCommandEnabledBehavior FastForwardEnabledBehavior { get; set; } PlaybackCommandEnabledBehavior NextEnabledBehavior { get; set; } PlaybackCommandEnabledBehavior PauseEnabledBehavior { get; set; } PlaybackCommandEnabledBehavior PlaybackPositionEnabledBehavior { get; set; } PlaybackCommandEnabledBehavior PlaybackRateEnabledBehavior { get; set; } PlaybackCommandEnabledBehavior PlayEnabledBehavior { get; set; } PlaybackCommandEnabledBehavior PreviousEnabledBehavior { get; set; } PlaybackCommandEnabledBehavior RewindEnabledBehavior { get; set; } PlaybackCommandEnabledBehavior ShuffleEnabledBehavior { get; set; } event TypedEventHandler AutoRepeatModeCommandReceived; event TypedEventHandler FastForwardCommandReceived; event TypedEventHandler NextCommandReceived; event TypedEventHandler PauseCommandReceived; event TypedEventHandler PlaybackPositionCommandReceived; event TypedEventHandler PlaybackRateCommandReceived; event TypedEventHandler PlayCommandReceived; event TypedEventHandler PreviousCommandReceived; event TypedEventHandler RewindCommandReceived; event TypedEventHandler ShuffleCommandReceived; } public sealed class MediaPlaybackItem : IMediaPlaybackSource { MediaItemDisplayProperties DisplayProperties { get; } } public sealed class MediaPlayer : IClosable { double Balance { get; set; } double DownloadProgress { get; } int NaturalVideoHeight { get; } int NaturalVideoWidth { get; } NormalizedRect PanAndZoomRect { get; set; } StereoVideoPackingMode StereoVideoPackingMode { get; set; } StereoVideoRenderMode StereoVideoRenderMode { get; set; } event TypedEventHandler BufferingProgressChanged; event TypedEventHandler DownloadProgressChanged; event TypedEventHandler MutingChanged; event TypedEventHandler NaturalDurationChanged; event TypedEventHandler NaturalVideoSizeChanged; event TypedEventHandler PositionChanged; void AddVideoEffect(string effectID, bool effectOptional, IPropertySet effectConfiguration); void FrameStep(FrameStepDirection value); MediaPlayerPlaybackStatistics GetPlaybackStatistics(); } public sealed class MediaPlayerPlaybackStatistics public sealed class NextCommandReceivedEventArgs public struct NormalizedRect public sealed class PauseCommandReceivedEventArgs public enum PlaybackCommandEnabledBehavior public sealed class PlaybackPositionCommandReceivedEventArgs public sealed class PlaybackRateCommandReceivedEventArgs public sealed class PlayCommandReceivedEventArgs public sealed class PreviousCommandReceivedEventArgs public sealed class RewindCommandReceivedEventArgs public sealed class ShuffleCommandReceivedEventArgs public enum StereoVideoRenderMode } namespace Windows.Media.Protection { public enum HdcpLevel public enum HdcpLevelAsyncResultStatus public sealed class HdcpSettingResult public sealed class HdcpState } namespace Windows.Security.Authentication.Identity.Core { public sealed class MicrosoftAccountMultiFactorAuthenticationManager { IAsyncOperation ApproveSessionAsync(string userAccountId, string sessionId, MicrosoftAccountMultiFactorAuthenticationType sessionAuthenticationType, MicrosoftAccountMultiFactorSessionAuthenticationStatus sessionAuthentictionStatus); IAsyncOperation ApproveSessionAsync(MicrosoftAccountMultiFactorSessionInfo authenticationSessionInfo, MicrosoftAccountMultiFactorSessionAuthenticationStatus sessionAuthentictionStatus); } } namespace Windows.System.Profile { public static class DeviceIdentification } namespace Windows.UI.Composition { public sealed class AnimationGroup : CompositionObject, IImplicitAnimationMapEntry, IIterable >, IMap public sealed class CompositionDestinationBrush : CompositionBrush public class CompositionInteractionSource : CompositionObject, ICompositionInteractionSource public sealed class CompositionInteractionSourceCollection : CompositionObject, IIterable public class CompositionObject : IClosable { ImplicitAnimationMap ImplicitAnimations { get; set; } } public sealed class CompositionPropertyChangedEventArgs : CompositionObject public sealed class Compositor : IClosable { AnimationGroup CreateAnimationGroup(); CompositionDestinationBrush CreateDestinationBrush(); ImplicitAnimationMap CreateImplicitAnimationMap(); InteractionTracker CreateInteractionTracker(); InteractionTrackerInertiaEndpoint CreateInteractionTrackerInertiaEndpoint(); InteractionTrackerInertiaMotion CreateInteractionTrackerInertiaMotion(); } public interface ICompositionInteractionSource public interface IImplicitAnimationMapEntry public interface IInteractionTrackerInertiaEndpoint public interface IInteractionTrackerInertiaModifier public interface IInteractionTrackerInertiaMotion public interface IInteractionTrackerOwner public sealed class ImplicitAnimationMap : CompositionObject, IIterable >, IMap public enum InteractionNestingMode public enum InteractionSourceMode public enum InteractionSystemManipulationMode public sealed class InteractionTracker : CompositionObject public sealed class InteractionTrackerCustomAnimationStateEnteredArgs : CompositionObject public sealed class InteractionTrackerIdleStateEnteredArgs : CompositionObject public sealed class InteractionTrackerInContactStateEnteredArgs : CompositionObject public sealed class InteractionTrackerInertiaEndpoint : InteractionTrackerInertiaModifier, IInteractionTrackerInertiaEndpoint public class InteractionTrackerInertiaModifier : IInteractionTrackerInertiaModifier public sealed class InteractionTrackerInertiaMotion : InteractionTrackerInertiaModifier, IInteractionTrackerInertiaMotion public sealed class InteractionTrackerInertiaStateEnteredArgs : CompositionObject public sealed class InteractionTrackerRequestIgnoredArgs : CompositionObject public sealed class InteractionTrackerValuesChangedArgs : CompositionObject public class KeyFrameAnimation : CompositionAnimation, IImplicitAnimationMapEntry { } public sealed class StepEasingFunction : CompositionEasingFunction { int FinishAtStep { get; set; } bool InstantFinish { get; set; } bool InstantStart { get; set; } int StartAtStep { get; set; } } public class Visual : CompositionObject { float RelativeHeight { get; set; } float RelativeOffsetX { get; set; } float RelativeOffsetY { get; set; } float RelativeWidth { get; set; } bool SnapToPixels { get; set; } } public sealed class VisualInteractionSource : CompositionInteractionSource, ICompositionInteractionSource } namespace Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls { public class Control : FrameworkElement { RequiresPointerMode RequiresPointer { get; set; } } public class Pivot : ItemsControl { PivotHeaderOverflowMode HeaderOverflowMode { get; set; } public static DependencyProperty HeaderOverflowModeProperty { get; } } public enum PivotHeaderOverflowMode public enum RequiresPointerMode } namespace Windows.Media.Capture { public enum AppCaptureCameraOverlayLocation public enum AppCaptureCameraOverlaySize public sealed class AppCaptureSettings { AppCaptureCameraOverlayLocation CameraOverlayLocation { get; set; } AppCaptureCameraOverlaySize CameraOverlaySize { get; set; } bool IsCameraCaptureEnabledByDefault { get; set; } bool IsEchoCancellationEnabled { get; set; } string SelectedCameraId { get; set; } } }