One of the goals of TypeScript has always been to make writing JavaScript projects a clean, easy, and simple process. We’re always looking at where things could be improved and listening to the community to get ideas on how to do this better.
You may’ve recently heard the term “JavaScript fatigue” thrown around to describe the feeling of starting up a new JavaScript project. What it generally boils down to is that there are many tools, with tons of configurations, and with that combination the number of decisions you need to make can be overwhelming. That means that adding a new tool might just be out of the question, because if someone hasn’t written a blog post on how to set it up with your own tools, you might feel like you’d need to fight an uphill battle getting things set up.
We on the team are always looking for opportunities to make the general experience for our users better, so we made an effort to feel out where documentation for some workflows could be improved. For some frameworks, there was already some excellent documentation out there for using TypeScript. For instance, our friends on the Angular and Aurelia projects have already made it easy to set up a TypeScript project.
In other cases, we saw a gap to fill, so we took an initiative to put part of our time into demonstrating several different workflows. We gauged communities for each set of tools, and think that we’ve gotten a good sense of how TypeScript will usually fit in with a mostly “standard” setup for each. As a result, we now have guides for
- ASP.NET Core 1
- Gulp (including Browserify, Watchify, and Uglify)
- React & Webpack
- Knockout and RequireJS
We would love to hear your feedback, whether it’s to improve on these guides or to tell us about the sorts of guides you’d like to see us cover.