Bing has expanded the scope of our Right to be Forgotten (RTBF) filtering in Europe. In the past, when Bing accepted an RTBF request, the URL would be delisted from all applicable European versions of Bing (such as,, for searches of the requestor’s name.
Going forward, in addition to this practice, Bing will also use location-based signals (e.g., IP addresses) to delist the relevant URL on all versions of Bing, including, for any user accessing Bing from the European country where the request originated. For example, if someone in France successfully requests delisting of a URL on Bing, in addition to delisting that URL from all applicable European versions of Bing, Bing will now also delist that URL for all searches of that person’s name—regardless of what version of Bing is being used—if the search originates from a location within France.
This change will be applied to all valid European RTBF requests, including those we received prior to making this change.
Our decision to expand the scope of RTBF filtering reflects recent developments in the European data protection regulatory environment, and these steps are in line with the broader industry. We believe our updated process will enhance the privacy protections requested by European regulators, balanced against the need to protect the rights of our users to free access to lawful content.
- The Bing Blog Team
- The Bing Blog Team